Check out on what’s happening at Generations Church! >>>

 Dream Forward

Giving by Faith Campaign 

Your future is bright and filled with a living hope that will never fade away. Proverbs 23:18

For the month of December we encourage you to ask & seek God
Pray “Jesus, what would you like me to give, out of faith as a seed for 2025?”

Dream Forward is us giving out of faith to what God wants to do in 2025! This is an over and above our tithes/offerings giving gift and we know that when we give out of faith, God blesses and provides!

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor. 9:7

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Cor. 5:7

Ways to give:
via etransfer (memo: Dream Forward) Donations@generations-church.ca
at the Welcome Center
Online by clicking here

The last Sunday to give is Sunday, December 29th 
The last day to give online is Tuesday, December 31st. 



Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, January 18th
8am – 9am

All guys are invited to come out for a pancake and bacon breakfast while building each others faith and spending time in prayer.

Great for all generations.



Life Group Generations Church

Gen. Youth Kick Off

Tuesday, February 2nd

Countdown is on! Youth New Year Kick Off!
Grades 6-12

Spread the word!



Life Group Generations Church

Life Group

Sign up for ONE Life Group today!

Life Groups are small groups of people that meet in homes across Eastern Charlotte. These small groups are designed to grow deeper in your faith, make new friends, eat good food, and have fun. It’s about doing life together!

Life Groups meet twice a month and will begin meeting in February through to May.

Sign up details
Sign up will begin on Sunday, January 19th. Sign up on a clipboard at Church for your choice of Life Group to be part of.
Sign up online and we will be happy to help you choose a Life Group that best suits you.

These small groups are a huge part of what happens at Generations Church and we look forward to having you be part!

Questions? Email Cait@generations-church.ca



Life Group Generations Church


New to Generations Church? Want to know more? Want to get involved?

Awesome! We are excited for you!

Onramp is the first step on taking the next step to calling Generations Church home. 

Onramp is a time spent as a group getting to know each other, answering & asking questions, and having fun! 

February is our next Onramp session and they will be taking place in our Life Group small groups! 

Sign up for a Life Group starting January 19th and by doing so, you are signed up for Onramp.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Questions? Email: cait@generations-church.ca



Life Group Generations Church



We are inviting all women of all generations to our first ever Sisterhood Event. 

Sisterhood is a community of women who want to have fun, make new friends, grow in their faith, and who call Generations Church their home.

Event Details:
When: Saturday, February 8th
Where: Generations Church

This event will run from 10am to 11:30am with doors opening at 9:30am.
Light desserts, coffee, tea & juice will be served.

This is a free event!
Those 12yrs and older can register by clicking here